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Health Minister Refuses to Intervene Prita Case

JAKARTA, - Health Minister dr Siti Fadila Supari said it would be difficult for her to intervene in solving the case between Prita Mulyasari and Omni International Hospital, as it involves legal matters. "I am disappointed with an on-line media cornering an institution, triggering public blasphemous comments," the minister said in a press release Friday. Head of the Public Communications Center dr Lily Sulitiwati said the reports on the on-line media lack many things in quoting the health minister’s recent statement, so that the reports had been erroneously perceived. JIM Sumber : Antara

Indonesia Ready for War

JAKARTA, - The Indonesian government has warned Malaysia to respect the ongoing process of negotiations on the status of the Ambalat block and to stop making provocative moves in the disputed area. "At a time when negotiations are still underway (like today), we hope that all parties can respect the ongoing talks," Political, Legal and Security Affairs Coordinating Minister Widodo AS said here on Saturday. According to Widodo, the latest developments in the Ambalat block amid frequent provocations committed by Malaysian patrol boats was seen as a big disturbance. "I think, Indonesia’s position is already firm. The basic concept to settle the rising problem is through negotiations," he said. In fact, Chairman of the House Commission I Theo Sambuaga in a consultative meeting with President Yudhoyono said that sovereignty was a fixed price for Indonesia. "Indonesia is serious in maintaining its sovereignty," he said, adding that so far I...

Homeless woman's plea to Obama draws flood of support

She's being hailed as the "face of the economic crisis," and now Henrietta Hughes has become something of a media star after reaching out to President Obama in an emotional plea for help. President Obama talks to Henrietta Hughes at a town hall rally in Fort Myers, Florida, on Tuesday. Her message: My son and I are homeless, and we need immediate help. "I have an urgent need, unemployment and homelessness, a very small vehicle for my family and I to live in," Hughes told Obama Tuesday at a town hall rally in Fort Myers, Florida, as he pushed for passage of his stimulus plan in the S...

Stimulus bill snag worked out, sources say

Negotiators have worked out a disagreement between the Senate and House over education funding in the economic stimulus bill, Democratic leadership sources said Wednesday evening. ...

Wiranto's Campaign Advertorial Uses Soeharto

The People's Conscience Party (Hanura) started broadcasting its television campaign advertisement since 9 February 2009. The advertisement showed Hanura's chairperson, Wiranto, and former Indonesian President Soeharto. The advertisement starts with the number 2009 on the left side on a black background. Then, it is followed by a narration: "Two thousand nine, the crisis is up ahead. Why fear it? Wiranto says so." Then Wiranto image in a black suit appears with the national flag in the background and the logo 'Why Fear It?' (' Kenapa Harus Takut '), continued with the narration. "Many crises have shaped him into a strong and honest figure," the narration goes on, with images of the May 1998 riot. After images of the riot, then comes Soeharto's image, leader of the New Order, fastening what is probably a medal on Wiranto's uniform. Next to the image were the words: 'President Soeharto gives General Wiranto a chance to take the le...

Hillary dan Obama Dukung Pembentukan Negara Palestina

Hillary Clinton menelepon Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas dan Perdana Menteri Israel Ehud Olmert pada hari pertamanya menyandang jabatan resmi Menteri Luar Negeri AS. Abbas telah menyampaikan kepada Hillary kesediaannya bekerja sama dengan pemerintah baru AS untuk mencapai penyelesaian damai komprehensif di Timur Tengah. Keterangan yang dikeluarkan oleh kantor kepresidenan Mahmoud Abbas menyebutkan, Hillary dan Presiden AS Barack Obama akan berupaya mendukung terbentuknya negara Palestina dan mengurangi penderitaan masyarakat Palestina. Sementara itu, keterangan yang dikeluarkan kantor Olmert, Kamis (22/1), menyebutkan, Israel masih berminat mencapai perdamaian Timur Tengah dan "menginvestasikan upaya besar dalam mengirimkan bantuan kemanusiaan bagi penduduk Gaza". Israel menarik mundur pasukannya, Rabu (21/1), setelah menggencarkan serangan militer selama 22 hari terhadap militan Hamas di Gaza.

Monthly Evaluations by BPH Migas to Solve Fuel Scarcity

he Oil and Gas Upstream Executing Body (BPH Migas) has said that it will carry out a monthly evaluation to monitor fuel supplies that have been scarce since early this year. “There have twice been problems over the supply of subsidized fuels for two weeks,” said Jugi Prajogio, a member of BP Migas, on Wednesday (21/1). The first problem occurred at the beginning of the year 2009. Some fuel stations were suspected of stockpiling their supplies as they were worried with the government's plan to reduce fuel prices in mid January. The second disruption was the explosion at oil depot in Plumpang on Sunday (18/1). Jugi acknowledged that BPH Migas had not been regular in evaluating fuel distribution. He said that the monthly evaluation would be material for appraising Pertamina's performance in distributing fuel in 2009. Jugi went on to say that the BPH Migas was still arranging a more detailed regulation as it was authorized to appoint a body to distribute fuel when scarcities occur.

Hillary Mau Bicara Asal Hamas Akui Israel

WASHINGTON,SELASA- Calon Menlu AS Hillary Clinton, Selasa (13/1) mengesampingkan kemungkinan pembicaraan dengan kelompok Islam garis keras Palestina, Hamas, kecuali kelompok itu melepaskan sikap ekstrimnya. "Mengenai Israel, Anda tidak dapat berunding dengan Hamas hingga kelompok itu melepaskan kekerasan, mengakui Israel dan setuju untuk mematuhi perjanjian pada masa lalu. Itu benar-benar bagi saya absolut," kata Clinton dalam dengar pendapat pengesahan jabatannya di Senat. "Itulah sikap pemerintah AS. Itulah sikap presiden-terpilih," katanya setelah seorang senator memberi kesan bahwa "naif dan tidak logis" untuk berdiplomasi dengan pemerintah yang menentang Israel. Ia menggemakan sikap pemerintah Presiden George W Bush yang mendukung upaya Mesir untuk menengahi gencatan senjata menyusul perang Israel 18 hari guna menghentikan serangan roket Hamas. Pemerintah Bush menentang pembicaraan dengan yang mereka katakan sebagai organisasi teroris, kelompok yang t...

Anak Perempuan vs Warna Pink

Kalau Anda berkunjung ke bagian mainan dan pakaian anak perempuan di pusat perbelanjaan, Anda akan mendapati dominasi warna merah jambu atau pink di sana. Fenomena ini mendapat kritikan dari para ahli yang mengatakan "wabah pink" tersebut telah mencuci otak anak perempuan dan memperkuat perbedaan gender. Seperti dikuti oleh harian Telegraph, para ahli mengklaim, wabah pink telah membuat anak perempuan menjadi terikat dengan satu warna bahkan sebelum mereka berusia tiga tahun. Akibatnya, bila mereka mendapat mainan atau baju yang berwarna lain, mereka akan menolak. Anak-anak perempuan yang selalu dijejali dengan berbagai perlengkapan dan mainan warna pink, dikhawatirkan para ahli akan menjadi generasi "princess". "Kini sulit mencari anak perempuan berusia di atas tiga tahun yang tidak terobsesi oleh warna pink," kata Sue Palmer, penulis buku Toxic Childhood. Pendapat Palmer cukup beralasan, mengingat saat ini cukup sulit mencari baju, mainan, bahkan buku, ...

Situs Majapahit Dirusak

Situs Majapahit di Trowulan, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, sengaja dirusak pemerintah. Di bekas ibu kota Kerajaan Majapahit peninggalan abad ke-13 hingga ke-15 tersebut sedang dibangun Trowulan Information Center atau Pusat Informasi Majapahit seluas 2.190 meter persegi.Peletakan batu pertama dilakukan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik, 3 November lalu. Meski dalam perjalanannya ditemukan sejumlah peninggalan bersejarah, seperti dinding sumur kuno, gerabah, dan pelataran rumah kuno, hal itu tak dihiraukan. Tanah terus digali dan benda bersejarah itu dijebol untuk pembangunan sekitar 50 tiang pancang beton Pusat Informasi Majapahit (PIM).Berdasarkan pantauan pada Minggu (4/1), di beberapa titik, fondasi dari campuran batu kali dan semen telah berdiri di parit-parit galian di situs bersejarah itu. Fondasi tiang beton juga sudah berdiri di beberapa titik. Di sekitarnya, batu bata kuno berukuran besar dan berwarna kehitaman peninggalan zaman Majapahit dibiarkan berserakan.Wak...