The advertisement starts with the number 2009 on the left side on a black background. Then, it is followed by a narration: "Two thousand nine, the crisis is up ahead. Why fear it? Wiranto says so."
Then Wiranto image in a black suit appears with the national flag in the background and the logo 'Why Fear It?' ('Kenapa Harus Takut'), continued with the narration.
"Many crises have shaped him into a strong and honest figure," the narration goes on, with images of the May 1998 riot.
After images of the riot, then comes Soeharto's image, leader of the New Order, fastening what is probably a medal on Wiranto's uniform. Next to the image were the words: 'President Soeharto gives General Wiranto a chance to take the lead.'
The slide changes to Wiranto's image in his military uniform saluting. On the side of the image were the words: 'The Unifier and Reformation Guardian.'
The advertisement ends with another image of Wiranto in a black suit. Under his name was written 'Chairperson and Future President.'
The General Secretary of Ahnura, Yus Usman Sumanegara, said that the 30 seconds advertisement is intended to promote Wiranto. It is still being aired until Thursday, 12 February, on several channels.