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Monthly Evaluations by BPH Migas to Solve Fuel Scarcity

he Oil and Gas Upstream Executing Body (BPH Migas) has said that it will carry out a monthly evaluation to monitor fuel supplies that have been scarce since early this year.

“There have twice been problems over the supply of subsidized fuels for two weeks,” said Jugi Prajogio, a member of BP Migas, on Wednesday (21/1).

The first problem occurred at the beginning of the year 2009.

Some fuel stations were suspected of stockpiling their supplies as they were worried with the government's plan to reduce fuel prices in mid January.

The second disruption was the explosion at oil depot in Plumpang on Sunday (18/1).

Jugi acknowledged that BPH Migas had not been regular in evaluating fuel distribution.

He said that the monthly evaluation would be material for appraising Pertamina's performance in distributing fuel in 2009.

Jugi went on to say that the BPH Migas was still arranging a more detailed regulation as it was authorized to appoint a body to distribute fuel when scarcities occur.


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